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Great Dane


Family Companion

Service/Assistance Dog

Estate Guardian

What's not to love about the Great Dane?

They're huge, overgrown lap dogs with a desire to please their human. They even come in Blue, Chocolate and Lilac. The only thing that remains for me is to turn them Purple.

Crazy about the Blue European Great Dane

Photo: 12 week old Blue European Great Dane Puppy

About our Great Danes

As a young girl, I always wanted a horse but if I had a horse I wanted a Clydesdale, the biggest horse they made. It was no different with the dog breed of my dreams, I wanted the biggest one they made hence I have always loved the Great Dane.

I bought my first Great Dane when I was twenty years old. He was a fawn-equin before they were a thing and he cost me five hundred dollars without registration.


At 6 months of age he came down with Valley Fever, a potentially life threatening illness for both people and dogs. After the vet shared his findings following weeks of me trying to troubleshoot my assumption that he was suffering from some sort of food allergy or some such. I forewent the thousand dollar treatment that I had personally witnessed neighbor dogs undergo and still

expire after six months of care and resorted to my tried and true fifty cent cure I had used on myself a year prior. Success again, he had improved in a week and made a full recovery.


The problem I continued to experience with him however was not with his health. It was in his personality. Jeez! that dog loved everyone! I lost him to theft four times in three years before I never found him again.


Everyone commented how beautiful he was with those big apricot colored patches on his white canvas body and his one crystal blue eye. His appearance was striking. But after that heartache I was determined to steer clear of the social butterfly from then on.

My next puppy was Black with White and this time I invested a whole three hundred dollars as the litter was twelve puppies strong and the owner did not have the time to devote to advertising them. Again, no papers but purebred none the less. He turned out to be the best dog I had ever had. He was more reserved and did not readily approach a stranger, and while I still had plenty of complements as to his size and looks he remained mine for the entirety of the nine wonderful years we shared together.

My next Dane was more of a fulfillment of a dream. I love the look of blue animals in general, if it comes in blue that's going to be the one I gravitate to. I had by then learned there were differences from the American Great Dane to the European Great Dane. And I was in a good financial spot to splurge a bit on the Dane of my choice. So I went all out and imported a blue, male puppy from a world champion sire and a french champion dam for a few thousand dollars.

It's not hard to imagine...

Our Great Danes serving well as

Old World Estate Guardians

This forever changed my view and preference in Great Danes altogether. I fell in love and will forever seek heavy European Blood where possible in any Dane I decide to invest in.

I noticed everything from the feet, to the head, to the attitude. This dog was most definitely different than any dog of any breed I had known and I would have thought it unique except the very next Dane I had imported again just five years later from a different set of parents was so much like my previous Blue Euro the similarities were stunning. Again my heart had been stolen and my preferences solidified. I know that for me, Euro is where it's at and of course for me if it's blue that's just the icing on the cake!

Learn more about what our Puppy Parents have to say and track your favorite Puppies into adulthood on our pUPDATES page.
Can't get enough Great Pyredane? Come learn more about this wonderful breed and what our plans are for its future development here.
Coming Soon!!!
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Great Pyredane Breeder's Association© 2009-2023

Text Yiskah @ 832.823.8437

Located in Springfield, Missouri Area

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